How to Write a Marketing Blog Your Clients Will Actually Read


Over the years the marketing landscape has transformed significantly. More people are now turning to online streaming rather than traditional cable and satellite viewing. 

There has been an increase in the number of businesses operating online, whether it’s a basic informational website or an e-commerce platform. As a result, television commercials have undergone significant changes. They are now viewed differently, and companies have had to transition from 30-second slots during TV show breaks to mere seconds on streaming services like Netflix or video-sharing sites like YouTube. This shift has also led to an increase in the value of social media marketers. 

Consequently, there is a growing need for marketing information. If you are wondering how to write marketing blogs that appeal to these individuals and keep them engaged, don’t worry. I will show you how.

Start by Identifying Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is a critical first step in creating any marketing strategy, including writing a marketing blog. Your target audience is the people most likely to be interested in your product or service and who you want to reach with your marketing efforts. Understanding your target audience is essential because it helps you tailor your messaging and content to their specific needs and interests.

Choose Relevant Topics

Choosing a relevant blog topic is essential for creating content that resonates with your target audience and drives traffic to your website. Start by understanding your audience’s interests and pain points and research the topics currently trending in your industry. Use tools like Google Trends, social media analytics, and keyword research to identify popular and relevant topics. 

Aim to provide value to your readers by creating content that solves a problem, answers a question or provides new insights. Finally, make sure that your topic aligns with your brand message and supports your overall marketing goals. By choosing a relevant blog topic, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and attract a loyal following of readers.

Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Writing an attention-grabbing headline is critical for capturing your audience’s attention and driving engagement with your content. Your headline should be concise, clear, and compelling, and it should convey your article’s most important information or benefit. Using numbers, questions, and power words can also help make your headline more appealing. 

Consider the tone of your headline, and try to make it relevant to your target audience. A well-crafted headline can make all the difference in whether someone clicks through to read your content or scrolls past it, so take the time to brainstorm several options before settling on the best one.

Create Valuable Content

Creating value content for your marketing blog is key to building a loyal audience and driving engagement with your brand. Value content provides information or insights that are useful, educational, or entertaining for your readers. To create valuable content, understand your target audience and their needs, interests, and pain points.

Consider creating how-to guides, tutorials, case studies, industry insights, or thought leadership articles that showcase your expertise and provide actionable advice or inspiration. 

Aim to create unique, well-researched, and visually appealing content to stand out from the crowd. By consistently providing valuable content, you can establish yourself as a trusted resource for your readers and build a community of loyal followers who will keep returning for more.

Write a Beginners Guide

We begin with beginners. Everyone has to start somewhere, including you. A marketing blogger should consider writing a beginner’s guide for several reasons. First, a beginner’s guide can attract a new audience to your blog, including those just starting to explore the topic or industry you are writing about. By providing an accessible introduction to the topic, you can help readers feel more confident and engaged with your content.

According to QuickSprout, beginner’s guides are the way to build organic search traffic at the start.  Create a simple post outlining the top five basics, including the tools listed on WebConfs. Folks love free stuff, and while you’re at it, create it as a free printable available after signing up to be notified of future posts. This keeps them coming back, gives them something they can use, and lets you capture their email for future newsletters and downloads. 

A beginner’s guide can help establish you as an expert in your field and showcase your ability to explain complex topics in a simple and understandable way. Finally, a beginner’s guide can provide a foundation for more advanced content and topics, allowing readers to build their knowledge and interest over time. Overall, a beginner’s guide can be valuable for engaging new readers and building your authority as a marketing blogger.

Write a How-To Guide

A marketing blogger should consider writing a how-to guide for several reasons. First, a how-to guide provides practical and actionable advice that readers can apply to their own marketing efforts. You can help readers overcome common challenges and achieve their marketing goals by providing step-by-step instructions or tips on a specific topic. 

A how-to guide can establish you as an expert in your field and demonstrate your knowledge and expertise to your readers. Finally, a how-to guide can help generate traffic and engagement for your blog by providing valuable content that readers will likely share and recommend to others. Overall, a how-to guide can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience, building your authority, and driving traffic and engagement for your blog.

Use Conversational Tone

Using a conversational tone in your blog can make your content more engaging, relatable, and accessible to your readers. Writing in a conversational tone creates a sense of intimacy and connection with your readers as if you are speaking directly to them. This can help build trust and credibility with your audience, making them more likely to return to your blog and engage with your content. 

A conversational tone can make complex or technical information easier to understand by breaking it down into more digestible pieces. Using simple language, short sentences, and a friendly tone can make your content more approachable and appealing to a wider audience. Overall, using a conversational tone in your blog can help you build a stronger relationship with your readers and create more engaging and effective content.

Share Your Personal Stories

You have a voice and a platform. Don’t be afraid to use it. Sharing personal stories on your marketing blog can help to establish a stronger connection with your audience and make your content more relatable and engaging. Personal stories can create an emotional connection with your readers, as they help to humanize your brand and demonstrate your personality and values. By sharing personal stories, you can build trust and credibility with your audience, as they see the person behind the brand and can relate to your experiences and perspectives.

So, share your personal stories in marketing. Share what worked for you and what didn’t. Share why you like marketing, what got you into it, or even your favorite part about marketing. As you brainstorm and write these ideas, you’ll see more topics emerge that you can easily translate into other posts, like the how-to guides. 

Incorporate Visuals

Incorporating visuals into your blog can enhance the overall user experience and increase engagement with your content. Visuals such as images, infographics, videos, and charts can help break up long blocks of text, make your content more visually appealing, and communicate complex information more effectively. Visuals can also help grab readers’ attention, increase their interest and understanding of the topic, and keep them engaged with your content for longer periods. 

Incorporating visuals can improve your blog’s search engine optimization (SEO) by making your content more shareable on social media and increasing the likelihood of backlinks to your site. Using visuals in your blog can help you create more compelling content, increase engagement with your audience, and improve your overall blog performance.

Review Products and Share Your Thoughts

Reviewing products and sharing your thoughts on your blog can be a valuable way to provide useful information and insights to your audience while establishing your authority and credibility in your industry. Reviewing products relevant to your niche or industry can help your readers make informed decisions about their purchasing choices. 

Reviewing products can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge as you provide detailed analysis and commentary on the product’s features, benefits, and drawbacks. This helps establish you as a trusted voice and build credibility with your audience. Finally, reviewing products can also help drive traffic to your blog, as people often search for reviews and opinions online before making a purchase. By providing valuable reviews and sharing your thoughts on products, you can attract new readers and build engagement with your existing audience. Reviewing products and sharing your thoughts on your blog can be a powerful way to provide value to your audience, establish your authority and credibility, and drive traffic to your blog.

Every Business Needs Marketing

Marketing is a necessity for any business, and as you can see, it is not hard to write compelling marketing blogs that readers will read and keep them coming back for more. With just a few keyword searches and planning tools, you’ll never run out of writable topics readers are searching for. 

Need help? Know you need marketing content but are not sure where to start? I can help……book a call today and let’s discuss how I can help your business so you can focus on generating revenue.  

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