Chrystal Mahan: 

Legal Transcript Proofreader

About Me

I hold a diploma in accounting and a bachelor’s of science in general studies focusing on leadership, accounting, and business. I also have a master’s of business administration degree. Each of these degrees required me to take extensive legal and ethics classes. In 2006, I began working for cities and townships as a Deputy Court Clerk, where I gained experience with legal transcription and proofreading for the courts. 

2015 I completed the Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice course, based on Morson’s English Guide for Court Reporters and The Gregg Reference Manual. This hands-on course spans 64 lessons with multiple modules each. At the time, it was the only Transcript Proofreading course available. Students are required to proofread over 50 practice transcripts with varying difficulty and topics, including medical. There are approximately 3120 practice pages. We’re also required to pass a mid-term and final exam before obtaining certification.

In 2015 I also completed Legal Transcription the Zoom Method by Zoom Transcription Services (now known as Transcribe Anywhere.)

In 2025, I refreshed my skills and completed the Transcribe Anywhere legal transcription course.

In 2024, I completed a Digital Scoping certificate of completion through The Court Reporting Academy, which certifies me as an Autoscript Certified Editor.

In 2024, I completed an Editing (Digital Scoping) certificate of completion through the Learn to Transcribe Academy, which certifies me as an editor in MAXScribe from Stenograph.


In 2024, I completed a Legal Studies/Paralegal certificate of completion through Stratford Career Institute.


How About Some Rates?

Proofing Per Page

  • Standard Rate (72+ hours / 3+ business days): $0.50 pp
  • Expedite Rate (24-71 hours / 2-3 business days): $0.70 pp
  • Rush Rate (less than 24 hours / less than 2 business days): $0.90 pp

Proofing Second Readthrough

As a transcript proofreader, we can reliably catch 80% of errors. If you would like a second readthrough of your transcript, please let me know and the rates are as follows:

  • Standard Rate (72+ hours): $0.70 pp
  • Expedite Rate (24-71 hours): $0.90 pp
  • Rush Rate (less than 24 hours): $1.10 pp

Proofing Per Page with Audio 

Proofing / Editing with Autoscript or MAXScribe

As proofreaders, we can reliably catch 80% of errors. If you would like me to proof your PDF transcript with audio for a higher reliability rate, I can do that!

If you use VoiceScript or MAXScribe software as a digital reporter, I can proof there!

  • Standard Rate (72+ hours): $1.00 pp
  • Expedite Rate (24-71 hours): $1.40 pp
  • Rush Rate (less than 24 hours): $1.80 pp





Legal Transcription

My legal transcription experience includes Civil and criminal cases, appellate court proceedings, EBTs, attorney-client consultations, depositions, voir dire, property deeds, legal office memos, and meetings. My experience also includes law enforcement materials, including 911 calls, interrogations, body-worn camera recordings, and investigative interviews. I even have experience with insurance recordings.

Transcription: Legal (25 Line & Colloquy Format) *PER PAGE RATE

*Categories                      Rush (<24hrs)          Expedite (24-71hrs)       Standard (72+hrs)

*A. Normal                           $2.25                            $2.00                         $1.50

*B. Difficult                          $2.50                            $2.25                          $2.00

*C. Hard                               $3.25                            $2.75                          $2.50

A: Normal. Audio with 1-2 speakers.  Audio is clear and clean. An example would be a speech or single-person interview.

B: Difficult. Audio with 3-4 speakers.  Audio with significant noise background and/or voices that are difficult to understand. This would be anything that makes it hard to hear or understand.

C: Hard.  Audio with 5+ speakers.  Audio with difficult terminology, thick accents, extreme background noise, or poor audio quality.

If you are unsure which category your audio would fall in, please ask for a listen quote.


**Rates are subject to change.***

Excessive corrections may incur an additional $0.10 per page. *Any transcript with more than 75% returned with annotations will be charged an additional $0.10 per page due to the extra time it takes to complete the job.

PLEASE NOTE: A proofreader can only reliably catch 80% of errors on a given transcript. It is unrealistic to expect a proofreader, or even a Scopist, to catch 100% of all mistakes unless the job is EXTREMELY clean.

Weekends: Please ask for availability.



Invoices are sent when the completed job is returned and are due within 15 days.  After 15 days, a late fee of 10% will be applied for each month that payment still needs to be received. I accept checks, debit, and credit cards via PayPal. CashApp, or Zelle are available upon request. Wave payment is available directly on your invoice if you would prefer that option. 


Business Notes

I do not have set office hours; however, I am in the EST time zone. I try to be flexible, so there will be times when I can offer some evening and weekend availability. 

I may not always be available to answer emails, especially when working on a job. Thank you for understanding.


Proofing Method

Please send your work in PDF, and I will use iAnnotate (or another annotation app/software) to markup directly to your document. I can then return the whole file or just the pages with markups..

Is your job complete and as close to turn-in ready as possible? 

Please understand that I am NOT a Case CATalyst or Eclipse Scopist. Before turning in a transcript, a proofreader should be the final set of eyes. Therefore, if your pages are messy, I reserve the right to charge +0.10/per page. 

That doesn’t mean you can’t have errors. No one is perfect; we are all human and make mistakes. But, the more basic mistakes I have to spend time correcting, the greater the chance that I will miss something, and neither of us wants that.

PLEASE NOTE: A proofreader can only reliably catch 80% of errors on a given transcript. It is unrealistic to expect a proofreader or Scopist to catch 100% of all mistakes unless the job is EXTREMELY clean.

If you have concerns about proofreading with an iPad, check out this article: “Isn’t proofreading on an iPad less accurate on paper?


Everyone loves discounts, right?

Referral discount: As a thank you for referring your colleague to me, I will give you a 10% discount on your next 100 pages when I receive my first paid job from your referral. There is no limit.

Super clean rate: I will reward you with a better rate as a thank you for sending me super clean pages (less than 25% error-free). The more we work together, the better it becomes for both of us.


Ready to get started?

If you are ready to start, please download this Court Reporter Preference sheet and send it when you are ready to start.



In case you were wondering….

Here are just a few of the things I have been trained to look for.


  • colloquy / resumed colloquy 
  • by lines
  • appearances page
  • case style
  • Q & A
  • correct spacing
  • justification
  • tabulation
  • Indexes
  • certificates


  • correct exhibit numbering
  • exhibit numbers match the index page
  • attorney and the firms’ names and addresses are correct
  • consistency in conventions and spellings
  • correct and accurate dates


  • certifications
  • college degrees
  • No., Esq., Jr., Sr., Inc., Ltd., etc.
  • streets, roads, interstates, highways, and byways



  • names, 
  • locations
  • medical, legal, and other terminology
  • Jargon
  • slang
  • difficult or obscure words
  • when to spell out numbers on addresses
  • general spell check


  • polite request
  • dependent and independent clauses
  • series of questions
  • echo questions
  • direct address
  • dashes, em dashes, slashes, commas, periods, colons, and semicolons
  • hyphenation, open and closed compounds
  • plurals, possessives
  • interruptions/talk overs
  • quotations, quotes within quotes
  • general chatter 


  • commonly misused words:
    • ensure/insure, 
    • sometime/some time, 
    • perspective/prospective
    • their/there/they’re
    • to /too /two
    • affect/effect
  • commonly misspelled words:
    • adjustor for adjuster
    • prima fascia for prima facie
  • skipped or swapped words
  • double/repeated words
  • omitted words (that are obvious)


  • defendant, plaintiff, counsel, court (when they’re supposed to be)
  • document names
  • exhibit names
  • parentheticals
  • professional degrees and titles
  • name brand drugs vs. generic
  • anything that is not a proper noun (person, place, or thing)


  • numerals (digits) vs. words
  • dates and names split into two lines
  • percentages
  • measurements
  • decimals
  • fractions ​
  • when to spell out numbers on addresses and when not to


Did I Miss Something?

PLEASE NOTE (as I have stated on this page multiple times): A proofreader can only reliably catch 80% of errors on a given transcript. It is unrealistic to expect a proofreader or Scopist to catch 100% of all mistakes unless the job is EXTREMELY clean.

Having said that, if I missed something, please let me know. We are all only human and this is how I learn. Bring it to my attention so I can note it on your preference sheet and be on the lookout for it next time.

While this applies to general proofreading and is not specific to transcripts, it is still good statistical information to use as the standard for this type of proofreading: A human proofreader will catch 80% of nonword errors and 50% of word errors. An experienced proofreader should catch at least 90% of literals.

If you say I missed a “ton” of errors, let’s address the TON. If you say there are a ton of errors, this implies to me that the transcript was filled with errors, which it should never be. A transcript proofreader should be the final set of eyes after the court reporter and Scopist have examined it.

If you say I “read too fast and missed too many things,” let’s address that. How many errors were there in total? How many did I catch? How many did I miss? So, what is that rate?

A proofreader’s job is to be the FINAL set of eyes. Not the first. Not the second. Much like authors have multiple editors and proofreaders to finalize their drafts, transcripts are no different. The final set of eyes should only have a minimal amount of errors — if any and it should not exceed a handful of spelling mistakes, maybe some missed capitalization, things of that nature. We will never find 100% of things; by chance, we do with a transcript because it was rather short (less than 100 pages) and super clean.

A transcript should come to the proofreader virtually turn-in ready. That has always been the job description of the proofreader. A Scopist should be catching and correcting the bulk of the errors. And that is why they get paid more than a proofreader does.

Need more?

What is an acceptable error rate? by Ascend Business Growth

Error Rates in Editing: What’s Your Save Percentage? by Scieditor